Let’s wrap up...for now.
This open-ended guide is meant to educate beginners on what to be aware of as you get started in the audio world. From here, you should be able to identify the basics of microphones, interfaces, DAWs, computers, cables, and connections. We’ve left the budgeting up to you, there is something out there for everyone.
If you still have questions, hop into our live stream every Wednesday at 8:30pm EST and ask us!
There’s a lot of work you still need to put in, take your time! If you’ve never seen an XLR cable, the internet is a wonderful place!! If you want to know what a USB-C is...Google it! As professors of music production, we can promise you, you will have to cultivate your curiosity and keep digging. The world and science of audio is vast and you’re just beginning. How exciting!